Sunday, August 10, 2008

Why oh Wy(oming) are you so big?

We woke up this morning in this hotel (in Lusk, WY...where the heck is that?), and had no idea how we got here. That's not entirely true, but we were so pooped after of full day of South Dakotaing that we were essentially sleepwalking to the room. It was very nice though. Nicer than what we paid for because Amanda broke the key off in the lock and they had no choice but to put us in another room and all they had left were the nice ones. Yay, Amanda! Wyoming is huge. Were were in Wyoming for 10 hours of driving. Some at night on Saturday, but most (9 hours) on Sunday. After a while it all started looking the same, Pretty same, but the same. Here is a train in Wyoming.
Here are windmills in Wyoming.

Here is the long Wyoming road.
These are a bunch of big rocks and bridge in Wyoming.

And a covered wagon near something historical in Wyoming.
Bikers were in Wyoming, too. Most of them were doing the whole Sturgis thing in South Dakota last week.

That's what we did in Wyoming. Go here if that wasn't enough for you.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

After getting your message yesterday, I was expected a picture of the Baggs exit!!!